31 January 2006

make new friends but...

a song is running through my mind
make new friends but keep the old
one is silver and the other is gold
i am thinking it is a GREAT way to
send appreciation to my HAIR : )

25 January 2006

flour butter sugar

coming home after school
boxes of fries
ten for a dollar then
lots of friends enjoying the treat
that *i made myself!*
but my favorite after school snack
i usually had alone was
flour butter sugar
my mom used that to top off crumb pies
or apple crisps
being an avid fan of this miracle concoction
i took it upon myself to make it
several times a week
still quite alive in present household
fond memories
lemons or watermelon with salt
i breathe in
i breathe out

22 January 2006

i write everyday

it's what i do
i now sit at a gizmo called computer
that used to be an IBM selectric
before that a pen or pencil in hand
printing now
before cursive
cursive the code of the past
soon to be a studied language
what did *they* mean by those symbols
we wonder
we changes to thee, they, us, them
in my reality
it's all the same
it's we, us, thee, them
the same
past or future
the same

18 January 2006

whirlwind inspiration

seeking calm energy
been so excited this year
barely finding room to breathe
a breath of fresh air
stopping to smell a rose
in the dead of winter
thawing ice storms
wind dry wind
making it hard to hear the
song of the birds
as the door rises
so does the familiar chirp
of my friends
reminding me
gifting me
what selfless love
they give me
i breathe in
i breathe out

13 January 2006


mindful integrity
inspirational jumpstarts
and special thanks to kat and esther

12 January 2006

speed art way to go peace

under pressure
not really
and yet there is this urgency
to create a legacy
for me and my ego
for my children
this thing called life
a calling to create
spending money
spend it on peace
on love
on kindness
give hope
indulge locally
greet with a smile
a handshake
a hug
january thaw
green green grass of
summer memories
a breath of fresh air
aim for peace
set your sites on

11 January 2006

hold your horses

i was reminded today
after hearing a young mother say to her child
"now hold your horses dear, it's coming"
(i know how hard it is sometimes to wait
for that bagel to be dressed)

hard to believe that it has been sixteen years since this happened
noah, first son, was about two years old
i was in the kitchen as i so often am
he wanted something
i said
hold your horses!
and went about my business
probably making something yummy
just for him and he left the room
i don't know how much later he returned
and i looked down to see him looking up at me
when this bewildered look of "now what?!?"
then i spotted
in his hands he was holding a slew of his toy horses
immediately i stopped what i was doing
contained my laughter
sat down with noah and started playing
my son and i think alike often
realistically, matter of factually
as well as out of the boxly
life is just a bowl of cherries
and definitely worth choosing
i breathe in
i breathe out
playful success

09 January 2006

at the end of the rainbow is

over the last few days
i sorted out all of my fabrics
mostly cottons
as that is what i used in my quilts
so much fun i had revisiting
with *old friends*
the ones i didn't like back then
i still don't like
time to pass them on for someone
else to treasure or i'll cover pillows
with them : )
i made the intention to turn
this pile of fabric into a big treasure of crafts,
pillows, toys, dolls, quilts, wallhangings
and a few pieces of clothing
i want to use it up and trade the rest
once done my focus will be
making crazy quilts
my palette will change to
velvets, brocades, silks, jacquards
lace and needlework
been exploring a blog
which is in itself and leads to all sorts of inspiration
all very exciting for me
i have a hope
which is my current motivator
that by working (or playing as i see it)
each day on using the rainbow pile
i will find my pot of gold at the end
the game starts now
wish me success and energy to push through
all the lovely challenges of
this thing called life

07 January 2006

blog crazy

it started one day when i happened upon this blog
i am a jill of all trades
master of some
most of my life i have spent intensely involved
with some thing : )
sewing-music-cooking-healing-yes even-cleaning
reading etiquette books in my youth
to know just what to do
then the sixties came and i learned and captured
the attitude that putting oneself in a box
just isn't for me
though i love boxes and containers and experts
i want to be one and a million
this makes sense to me
you'll either get used to my way of thinking or not
as rodney dangerfield often sez
i'm not gonna wait for you to get it
anyway i digress
excited am i
feeling much like i did years ago
and looking forward to more inspirations
that move me into action once again
i breathe in
i breathe out

04 January 2006

moose commissions giraffe

putterin' pete loves giraffes
sez grandma moose
can you make something for him?
with a giraffe on it?
can i?
been pondering giraffe images
which medium to use?
mind full of ideas
must spin the wheel
where the arrow lands
just do it
i love my mind and its ability to create
what i am working on is deciding
i guess half the fun is getting there
even when it is with a side step
now back to giraffes
stay tuned
more to come

03 January 2006

inspiration aplenty

still quite new to this whole thing called a blog
visiting other blogs is quite fun
i limit myself to short surfing spurts which usually get me to
two or three places because they are so interesting
i've only just begun!
hoping for good connections and lots of opportunity
for new begininngs
hope to add some photos by *wednesday*
as well as links to blogs i like
and i do mean hurry!

01 January 2006

somewhere between here and there

ponder these words of wisdom
i breathe in
i breathe out
inspired new beginnings

When I feel inclined to read poetry, I take down my dictionary. The poetry
of words is quite as beautiful as the poetry of sentences. The author may
arrange the gems effectively, but their shape and lustre have been given by
the attrition of ages. -Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., writer and physician
There is a field beyond all notions of right and wrong. Come, meet me
there. -Rumi, poet and mystic (1207-1273)
